Update April 6, 2020

April 6, 2020

Dear Cozad Community School Parents/Guardians, 

On Wednesday, April 1, 2020, Governor Pete Ricketts issued a Directed Health Measure for the Central Health Department.  With additional directives for businesses, it extended the closure for all schools in Nebraska to May 31, 2020.  

We will extend our building closures to match these new requirements.  The Directed Health Measure remains in place until the Governor or health department cancels it, lets it expire, or extends it.  If there is a change in the directive, we will pass that along as soon as we are notified.

Learning Opportunities beginning April 6, 2020:

As we move into online learning, we are all adjusting our teaching and learning methods.  This is a new process for everyone; students, parents and our teachers. Thank you for being patient in this process.  We understand there may be issues with internet services, conflicts with schedules, parents working, etc. Our hope is to provide learning opportunities for our students to help them continue to grow without adding undue stress at this time.  We will continue to adjust and modify as we move forward. Please do not be afraid to ask questions, please email teachers and administration with any questions or concerns you may have. 


Zoom may be a term you are hearing a lot about and is a great tool for our teachers to not only communicate with each other but also our students.  With any newer tool, there are always questions and issues. Please know that teachers will communicate links, tutorials and support with students and parents.  Also, please know that teachers are using settings in Zoom to help with security and privacy. As always, feel free to contact Patty Wolfe, Technology Director, (patty.wolfe@cozadschools.net) with specific questions or concerns.

Message from the High School: 

Beginning April 6th we will move to an e-learning process for your child’s education.  From this point through the remainder of the school year, instruction and graded assignments/activities will be done through an electronic format. All assignments will be graded.  It is critical that every day your child set aside time to work on each of their classes. It will be very important that you assist us in this process by checking with your child daily on their progress. Teachers and the school will be communicating with your child through email.  It is critical that you help support your child by asking them to check their school email, Google Classroom, or other electronic formats their teachers use. Ask them daily about their progress in specific classes, this is a great chance to join your child in their education. If we can help or you need assistance do not hesitate to reach out to your child’s teacher or the administration. 

Message from the Middle School :--Cozad Middle School Continuity of Learning Plan

Cozad Middle School is using two enrichment opportunities for all Cozad Middle Schools students during the attendance center closure. The two platforms are MobyMax and other additional enrichment activities developed by Cozad Middle School teachers. MobyMax finds and fixes learning gaps with the power of personalized learning. MobyMax’s adaptive curriculum creates an individualized education plan for each student, allowing gifted students to progress as quickly as they like while simultaneously ensuring that remedial students get the extra instruction they need.  Moby allows you to monitor student progress in real time so that you know exactly how each student is doing and will analyze data for all standards by student, class, school, and district.  Teachers will also have weekly enrichment activities for all students.  In addition, Cozad teachers will be doing weekly wellness checks on all students and also monitoring student progress and participation for all enrichment activities. Progress reports will be provided for teachers and parents.  Cozad Middle School will ensure all students have access to instructional materials and technology.  

Student Tasks

1)      Students need to check their email every day. Teachers will be emailing weekly, so please reply to teacher emails.    

2)      Complete 2 hours of Moby Max daily.  MobyMax’s adaptive curriculum creates an individualized education plan for each student, allowing your student to fix any learning gaps with personalized learning and progress quickly to cover all standards through the eighth grade.   

3)      Complete weekly teacher enrichment activities. (about 30 minutes daily)  Teachers have been working hard to provide instruction and activities/assignments in an electronic format for students in their classes. You can find all of these at the top of the school web page.  

Parents, a written letter and email have been sent to all Middle School parents with more detailed information. 

Message from the Elementary:

Cozad Elementary is moving to eLearning on Monday, April 6th, this means that new academic material will be taught to students via electronic means until the conclusion of the 2019-20 Academic year. Teachers will be keeping track of daily student participation and will be taking grades on some assignments (not every assignment). Each grade level is working together and will offer the same or similar lessons for students in that grade. Please be patient as our staff are learning new ways to teach and our students are learning new ways to learn!

The following is a short description of grade level learning plans:

  • Kindergarten- Will utilize SeeSaw for their primary education hub. Reading activities will be assigned on Monday, Tuesday and Friday. Math activities will be assigned on Tuesday and Thursday each week. The staff have also asked students to participate in science/social studies activities provided online and to   practice their handwriting. 

  • First Grade- This grade level will be using SeeSaw for their learning hub. They will post activities twice each week.

  • Second Grade- This grade level will be utilizing EPIC as their primary teaching hub. Teachers will assign two reading and two math activities each week. Second grade will rotate science and social studies weekly, which includes assigned activities.

  • Third Grade- Third grade will use SeeSaw as their primary learning hub. They will assign reading and math assignments three times per week respectively, with one assignment for science and social studies each week. 

  • Fourth and Fifth Grades- These grade levels are both using MobyMax for their learning hub. They will assign language arts and math assignments daily and mixed into the week will be science and social studies each week (not daily).  

Message from the CEEC: 

Cozad Early Education Center is using SeeSaw for our online education platform. Teachers have been using a variety of methods to connect with families including but not limited to phone calls, email, Zoom meetings, etc. Parents have been instructed on how to access this online platform and they are being given lessons and ideas to help facilitate the continuation of learning for our preschool students. 

Student Devices:

If you are having technology difficulties or have questions with your school device, please contact Patty Wolfe (patty.wolfe@cozadschools.net) or Christie Irish (christie.irish@cozadschools.net). 

Update on Breakfast and Lunch:

Cozad Community Schools is providing FREE meals for anyone 1-18  years of age. 

Meals will be offered Monday through Friday from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at six locations. In addition, We are serving meals for the weekends now. On Fridays, we will serve 3 Breakfasts and 3 Lunches to get children through the weekend.

  • Middle School/High School - Circle Drive of Middle School

  • Elementary School - Front Circle Drive

  • Cozad Early Education Center front of school (south doors)

  • Horizon Mobile Home Park bus stop (East of Garrett Tire)

  • 1 block North of Cozad Child Care at bus stop

  • Frenchy Park - West Side of park at bus stop

Local Events and Activities:  

All remaining NSAA activity practices and competitions, including district and state competitions, have been cancelled for this school year. These cancelations are part of a new Directed Health Measure issued by Governor Ricketts.

Bylaw 3.2.7 (Summer Activities) will go into effect on May 26th.  In the interim, Bylaw (School-Year, Out-of-Season) is expected to be followed by all member school athletic programs.

The NSAA continues to encourage all member schools to follow CDC, local, state and federal health department recommendations.


Graduation will be rescheduled. At this time the administration is working on ideas and  plans for our seniors. We will keep all posted as we have new information in regard to Graduation 2020.  

I continue to thank you for your patience as we continue to work through these closures and postponements and the new directed health measure.  It is creating different challenges across our community. We miss having students in the buildings and look forward to the day we can welcome them back!  If you have any questions, please let us know.


Mr. Ron Wymore
