Online Learning


As many of you are now aware, Governor Ricketts has closed all schools through May 31st.  Beginning April 6th we will move to an e-learning process for your child’s education.  From this point through the remainder of the school year, instruction and graded assignments/activities will be done through an electronic format. I have been asked if grades will be done in a Pass/Fail option, let me answer by saying all assignments will be graded.  It is critical that every day your child set aside time to work on each of their classes. It will be very important that you assist us in this process by checking with your child daily on their progress. Teachers and the school will be communicating with your child through email.  It is critical that you help support your child by asking them to check their school email, Google Classroom, or other electronic formats their teachers use. Ask them daily about their progress in specific classes, this is a great chance to join your child in their education. If we can help or you need assistance do not hesitate to reach out to your child’s teacher or the administration.   Even though our buildings are closed for the time being, we are moving forward with the education of our students.

Mr. Beckenhauer

Teacher Availability/ Class Schedules beginning Monday, April 6th.


*Teachers have been working hard to provide instruction and activities/assignments in an electronic format for students in their classes.

*Toward the bottom of this document are designated times for class periods, during these times teachers will be available to answer questions and provide feedback on that class. There may be times that they request a live Zoom meeting or some other electronic form of communication.

*The majority of classes will be formatted to allow students to access class information at any time.

*Teachers will be using electronic tools students are already familiar with and they have used in the past.


*Students are to make sure every day they are working on assignments/activities for classes.

*Students will need to meet all deadlines for courses

*Teachers have created rubrics so students will know what has to be done in order to achieve specific letter grades.

Class Time

These are times when teachers are available for help or may request meetings during these specific times.


 Monday & Wednesday Tuesday & Thursday
9:00 – 9:45 am1st period 2nd period
10:00 – 10:45 am3rd period4th period
1:00 – 1:45 pm5th period   6th period  
2:00 – 2:45 pm7th period
**FridayTeacher Home Office Hours: 9:00 – 11:00 am., 1:00 – 2:45 pm. Teachers will be available for student support, Q/A, direct chats (Zoom, etc) on classroom activities